Blueberry & Banana Breakfast Smoothie Recipe

Hi everyone, thanks for coming to take a look at my first smoothie recipe.

I started making smoothies for breakfast around 6 months ago, as although Starbucks muffins were very tasty,  they were also not keeping me full for longer than an hour and did you know they can contain up to 400 cals per muffin!? Fruit salads didn’t seem to hit the spot either so I decided to start looking for a filling breakfast which is not only tasty but nutritious.

After doing some reading online, smoothies seemed like a interesting idea, but could a smoothie really keep me full until lunch time? I decided to play around with a few ingredients and the results…..


AMAZING! The blueberry breakfast smoothie was delicious and definitely filled me up. Dairy free and low calories, this is an easy smoothie to make and also contains 2 of your recommended 5 a day.

Banana & Bluberry Breakfast Smoothie
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  1. 1 cup of almond milk (non sweetened)
  2. 1 banana
  3. 1/3 cup of oats (steel cut)
  4. 3/4 cup of blueberries
  5. 1 handful of crushed ice (optional)
Blend it all together and there you have it. The low fat, healthy, delicious breakfast smoothie that will keep you full until lunch time (yes it does actually exist!)

Although tiny, blueberries include a number of anti-oxidants to keep your body healthy and your immune system high. They are high in fiber too, so combined with the oats this smoothie can aid weight loss by making you feel fuller for longer… what’s not to like?

Fresh blueberries can be pricey, my suggestion is buy them frozen. Recent studies have shown that freezing fruit and vegetables has very little (if not any) effect on the nutritional value.

Next time your doing your food shop, why not think about smoothies for breakfast and let me know how you get on!

Jess x